martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Té Asiatico

Me encanta beber té, sobre todo el té verde japones y el té rojo ( o Roiboos).
Hoy, se venden el en Lidl 3 variedades de té asiaticodarjeeling second flush, mao feng y oolong.

EN WIkipedia he leido que : " El oolong es un té chino tradicional (Camellia sinensis) que queda entre el verde y el negro en oxidación.[1] Está entre los tipos de té más populares servidos en los restaurantes chinos típicos. Los aficionados al té lo clasifican por su aroma (a menudo floral o frutal), sabor y regusto. Los tés oolong vienen tostados o suaves ".
Details:Keemun Mao Feng

Keemun Mao Feng is a special variety of Keemun black tea that is carefully processed so that the shape of the tea leaves resemble that of a Mao Feng (green) tea. This means that Keemun Mao Feng is made up of full tea leaves, rather than broken leaves which is the usual for most other Keemun teas.
Not many people know this but the best Keemun originates from a small village within Qi Men County called Da Wu Village. This small village has a population of around a hundred people and produces some of the finest Keemun in the world due to its high elevation and its pollution-free environment. The locals nicknamed this village "Qi Men Cha Di Yi Cun", which translates to "Number One Keemun Tea Village". We carry the "Te Ji", or special grade of Keemun Mao Feng is from this village.

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